This is in the top 3 of my pet peeves when it comes to agency reputation in this industry. A business that hires an agency should have a sense of trust and confidence that they are taking care of them and their needs. All too often, however, agencies can become like a ghost town…silent.
Your agency is NOT a utility bill.
Are you paying your agency every month like you are for your electricity? You get the bill…you pay it. Maybe there’s a summarized report there, but that’s about it? I shouldn’t have to say this, but that shouldn’t be the case. Granted, there are certain cases where this isn’t all bad. Let’s say you have a very small service with your agency. If that’s the case, then there are times where a monthly report is enough—if the report is done properly and explained so you know what to look for.
But even then, your agency should be having other conversations with you to touch base on new initiatives for continued growth.
Your agency should communicate with you.
How often? At least quarterly, unless you really don’t want to talk to your agency that much. But maybe that’s a different conversation over a cup of tea and under a shady umbrella.
So… what’s the one question you should never ask your agency?
You’ve probably already figured it out from this article, but just in case…the one question you should never ask your agency is…
“How’s it going?”
That’s it! Quite simply put, any relationship is a two-way street. Is your creative agency putting in as much as you are in the relationship of your investment?
If the answer is yes, great! That sounds healthy, and we love healthy.
If the answer is no, then maybe it’s time for a conversation about your needs and expectations as their client…or even an entire re-evaluation on if that relationship is right for you.
I will leave you with your thoughts before I start sounding like a couples therapy counselor, but as always…if you have any questions…you know how to reach us.