Stop losing donations because of your online donation form.
We all know that donations are the lifeblood of all non-profits. Donations fuel the programs that non-profit organizations serve. Donations help provide the resources needed to help those who need it, but do you know how many donations you could be missing out on if your donation page isn’t functioning the way it should?
As a non-profit organization, you are the new world good Samaritans. You create an environment that is safe, for anyone under your care. By using your online presence as an aid, you can lengthen your arm’s reach, but having an online presence doesn’t just help you to reach out to everyone. It gives everyone the opportunity to also lend you a helping hand through donations. Which brings me to talk about one of the most important pages on any non-profit website:
Donation Page
The donation page allows anyone to donate whether it be a one-off donation, monthly, annual or even gifts through will or estate. It gives anyone a chance to give back and to help support your non-profit organization. But should you use any kind of donation form? What makes a successful donation form?
Did you know that there currently are about 1.5 million non-profits currently in the U.S.A?
As a creative agency that mainly caters to non-profits, we’ve seen many examples of donation pages, some good; some bad. From my experience, filling out lengthy online forms are daunting, even more so if I must enter my credit card details. Then there are those forms that give you second thoughts when in the middle of filling it out because they seem to ask pretty much every single detail about you.
So how can you ensure that donors are comfortable and have an easy task of donating to your non-profit organization?
Donation Forms
- Make sure your forms are not too lengthy.
Donors want to give, why not make it easy for them? Forms that take more than 3 full scrolls to reach the bottom can seem like a chore. Lengthy forms could lead to issues when donors fill out the form such as missing a required field, or worse, having them get frustrated because the form is so long, and they decide to skip donating altogether. Request only the most important information from your donors. If you don’t need their date of birth, don’t add it in. - Style your forms so it’s easily “digestible.”
Create visual breaks in your form by creating headers for sections to make it more organized. Like the issue above, having field after field to fill out will start to feel inconvenient. Break it down for your donors so they have an easier time filling out the form. - Style your forms so that it makes your donor feel at ease.
What’s more daunting than a form that makes you second guess its authenticity? You want to know that your donation is going into the right hands and to be used for what it’s intended for. Having a form that looks like it’s just thrown together without thought will most likely deter possible donors. Take the time to put together the look of your donation form. If it makes you feel comfortable filling it out, then rest assured that donors will be too.
Following these 3 tips can quickly improve your donation form and increase online donations.
Looking for a little help? Interested in getting your donation page evaluated? Email us at or visit our contact page.
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What makes a successful donation form for nonprofits?
A successful donation form is concise, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. It should request only essential information, be well-organized with clear section headers, and give donors confidence that their contributions are secure and well-handled.
Why should donation forms not be too lengthy?
Lengthy donation forms can frustrate donors, causing them to abandon the donation process altogether. Keeping forms short and straightforward reduces the chance of errors and ensures donors complete the process without feeling overwhelmed.
How can nonprofits make their donation forms more visually appealing?
Nonprofits can style their donation forms with clear section headers, organized layouts, and thoughtful design to ensure the form is easy to read and complete. A visually appealing form builds trust and encourages potential donors to feel comfortable completing their donation.
Why is it important to build trust through the design of donation forms?
Donors want to feel confident that their contributions are secure and being used appropriately. A well-designed form that looks professional and authentic helps reassure donors that their funds are going to the right place, increasing the likelihood of completed donations.